Kenku Mimicry: A Word Puzzle

Kenku Mimicry: A Word Puzzle

A kenku cannot express themselves verbally without having the appropriate phrase said in their presence before, and must repeat that phrase instead of voicing their own. This prospect can be very intimidating to many players, and may cause them to avoid the 5e kenku D&D race entirely... but don't worry! There are options...

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Beginner's Guide to Grungs

Beginner's Guide to Grungs

Grungs are a fierce, proud race of tree-dwelling, amphibious, frog-like humanoids that typically hail from jungle and rainforest climates. They are only three feet tall on average, but are fierce combatants despite their size, relying on their natural advantages and ingenuity over sheer power...

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Beginner's Guide to Drow

Beginner's Guide to Drow

The Drow originate from the Underdark, an otherworldly layer of the Prime Material plane far below the surface where most other races live. The Drow aren’t just subterranean elves, however. The Underdark is more like another dimension or plane of existence. It is suffused with foreign magic and alien forms of life. Their prolonged exposure to this magic (called “faerzress”) has fundamentally altered their elven biology...

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Tabletop Taboos

Tabletop Taboos

What should you be sure to AVOID doing while at the D&D table? What could you do that will earn the ire of your fellow players, a stern word from your DM, or an invitation to leave the game?

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MORE RPGs You'll Love

MORE RPGs You'll Love

We ran an article earlier this month about how Dungeons and Dragons is king of Tabletop RPGs. But there are LOTS of other systems, many flying bene...

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Other RPGs You'll Love

Other RPGs You'll Love

While D&D will always hold a special place in our hearts, we submit these other RPGs that we think are worth your time. Who knows? One of them could become your new (second) favorite system!

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New Year, New Campaign

New Year, New Campaign

My New Year’s resolution is to play more D&D. To run D&D, you’ll need three things: friends, rules, an adventure, and supplies like paper, pencils, and diceWe here at Misty Mountain Gaming are determined to give you a hand with all of the above! Well, except the pencils and paper… you’re on your own there. Let’s take it step by step!

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Custom Pantheons Are Easy!

Custom Pantheons Are Easy!

Inventing your own pantheon looks like a lot of work, especially if you hold up other pantheons in history or fiction as the standard. Will your players care, or remember these gods and what makes them special? Will anyone but the party cleric remember even one of their names, or what they do?

Yes they will, and it will require much less effort than you think!

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3 Easy Ways to Improve Combat

3 Easy Ways to Improve Combat

Each and every combat has the potential to be memorable and exciting with just a little consideration for what opportunities are being left on the table. Having the monsters (and the players) use every tool in their arsenal to win will make a great difference towards making combat as fun and unforgettable as it can be!

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The Path to Becoming a Dungeon Master

The Path to Becoming a Dungeon Master

Running your first game can be intimidating! There are so many videos, podcasts, and books all telling you how to do it, and you don’t know where to begin!

Right here! This article will provide you with a little direction as to how to spend your time leading up to your first session, offer some valuable resources for you to use going forward, and give you some advice and things to remember going into that all important first game!

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