Dragons Hoard March Theme Just Dropped!
The EPIC One D&D Ranger

The EPIC One D&D Ranger

With One D&D playtest content being released, it seems that Wizards of the Coast has taken great strides to making the Ranger an attractive option from the get-go. In this article we're going to cover a few  changes that are strict improvements from the 5th edition Ranger that make us excited to play one...

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modifying changing monsters in D&D

Modifying Monsters: The Basics

Changing up a monster’s stat block can drastically change the way they function in and out of combat, the way the players and their characters receive them, and even add to the story of the encounter or the world at large! It also helps keep the game fresh, so players aren’t fighting the exact same monsters over and over again, or the same ones they faced last campaign. And we’re going to discuss some simple ways to do that in this week’s article!

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Beginner's Guide to Half-Orcs

Beginner's Guide to Half-Orcs

Few playable races in D&D live lives as fraught with persecution, apprehension, and harsh treatment as the half-orcs. The product of an eager, ambitious race and one that is renowned and feared for its savage and bloodthirsty nature, half-orcs are unwelcome or at least approached with trepidation by most folk… and rightly so! With their particular genetic cocktail, half-orcs are not a folk to be trifled with, easily among the strongest and most cunning races in D&D’s fiction.

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