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Beginner's Guide to Aasimar

Beginner's Guide to Aasimar

A long time ago, the world of Toril was in trouble. The ravages of the spellplague took a catastrophic toll upon the population, making it difficult for the economy to function. A particularly-enterprising group of wizards sought to solve the problem by stealing people from other planes to use as slaves. These slaves cried out for deliverance, and their prayers were eventually delivered to the gods of their home plane. 

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Beginner's Guide to Half-Orcs

Beginner's Guide to Half-Orcs

Few playable races in D&D live lives as fraught with persecution, apprehension, and harsh treatment as the half-orcs. The product of an eager, ambitious race and one that is renowned and feared for its savage and bloodthirsty nature, half-orcs are unwelcome or at least approached with trepidation by most folk… and rightly so! With their particular genetic cocktail, half-orcs are not a folk to be trifled with, easily among the strongest and most cunning races in D&D’s fiction.

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Beginner's Guide to Drow

Beginner's Guide to Drow

The Drow originate from the Underdark, an otherworldly layer of the Prime Material plane far below the surface where most other races live. The Drow aren’t just subterranean elves, however. The Underdark is more like another dimension or plane of existence. It is suffused with foreign magic and alien forms of life. Their prolonged exposure to this magic (called “faerzress”) has fundamentally altered their elven biology...

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