Beginner's Guide to Tritons
A back-to-basics look at D&D 5e's peerless aquatic adventurers!
A back-to-basics look at D&D 5e's peerless aquatic adventurers!
Have we lost what makes the creatively colorful and varied races of the world unique and interesting in the name of creativity?
Hidden deep in forgotten forests dwell clans of peace-loving giant-kin known as firbolgs. This reclusive race is often feared by outsiders, and for...
Goliaths: towering hulks of bravery and brawn that look down on all the other DND races…literally! While Dungeons and Dragons can be a power fantasy for many people, few character races physically embody it more than the goliaths. They are a race of humanoids that make their home in harsh mountain environments.
A kenku cannot express themselves verbally without having the appropriate phrase said in their presence before, and must repeat that phrase instead of voicing their own. This prospect can be very intimidating to many players, and may cause them to avoid the 5e kenku D&D race entirely... but don't worry! There are options...
The Drow originate from the Underdark, an otherworldly layer of the Prime Material plane far below the surface where most other races live. The Drow aren’t just subterranean elves, however. The Underdark is more like another dimension or plane of existence. It is suffused with foreign magic and alien forms of life. Their prolonged exposure to this magic (called “faerzress”) has fundamentally altered their elven biology...