Take Cover! The Best Mechanic You're Not Using

Take Cover! The Best Mechanic You're Not Using

Cover is probably the most surefire trick to making sure that you and your party come out of an encounter alive, though it's often forgotten about or tossed by the wayside. We need to get a better understanding of this mechanic so we can make it work for us!

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12 Things You Need To Be A Dungeon Master

12 Things You Need To Be A Dungeon Master

Running your first game of D&D requires a little preparation. Whether you’re running it online or in person, there are certain things you’re going to need to make the game a success! 

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Monsters Mastered: Drow

Monsters Mastered: Drow

For everything good in D&D, there is a dark reflection. For the gods, there are archfiends. For every angel, there is a devil. For dwarves and humans there are duergar and hobgoblins. And for the graceful, magical, elegant elves? Well, we have the insidious, demonic, sadistic drow....

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modifying changing monsters in D&D

Modifying Monsters: The Basics

Changing up a monster’s stat block can drastically change the way they function in and out of combat, the way the players and their characters receive them, and even add to the story of the encounter or the world at large! It also helps keep the game fresh, so players aren’t fighting the exact same monsters over and over again, or the same ones they faced last campaign. And we’re going to discuss some simple ways to do that in this week’s article!

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Monsters Mastered: Kobolds

Monsters Mastered: Kobolds

In this latest installment of Monsters Mastered, our aim is to elevate kobolds to something beyond a comedic encounter in your campaigns, and give them distinguishing features useful for kobold enemies, kobold NPCS, and kobold player characters alike!

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Beginner's Guide to Grungs

Beginner's Guide to Grungs

Grungs are a fierce, proud race of tree-dwelling, amphibious, frog-like humanoids that typically hail from jungle and rainforest climates. They are only three feet tall on average, but are fierce combatants despite their size, relying on their natural advantages and ingenuity over sheer power...

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Tabletop Taboos

Tabletop Taboos

What should you be sure to AVOID doing while at the D&D table? What could you do that will earn the ire of your fellow players, a stern word from your DM, or an invitation to leave the game?

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New Year, New Campaign

New Year, New Campaign

My New Year’s resolution is to play more D&D. To run D&D, you’ll need three things: friends, rules, an adventure, and supplies like paper, pencils, and diceWe here at Misty Mountain Gaming are determined to give you a hand with all of the above! Well, except the pencils and paper… you’re on your own there. Let’s take it step by step!

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3 Easy Ways to Improve Combat

3 Easy Ways to Improve Combat

Each and every combat has the potential to be memorable and exciting with just a little consideration for what opportunities are being left on the table. Having the monsters (and the players) use every tool in their arsenal to win will make a great difference towards making combat as fun and unforgettable as it can be!

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Dice set

For Fun's Sake!

It’s game night! You collect your dice and character sheet, grab the drinks and Doritos, and gather around your friends for a game of Dungeons and ...

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