Beginner's Guide to Half-Orcs

Beginner's Guide to Half-Orcs

Few playable races in D&D live lives as fraught with persecution, apprehension, and harsh treatment as the half-orcs. The product of an eager, ambitious race and one that is renowned and feared for its savage and bloodthirsty nature, half-orcs are unwelcome or at least approached with trepidation by most folk… and rightly so! With their particular genetic cocktail, half-orcs are not a folk to be trifled with, easily among the strongest and most cunning races in D&D’s fiction.

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Beginner's Guide to Half-elves

Beginner's Guide to Half-elves

Half-elves are one of the most popular races to play in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. They have mechanical advantages over other races, a lot of versatility in their bonuses, as well as an angsty roleplay hook by being alien in both human and elven societies. Half-elves may just be the objectively best player character race in DND.

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