Beginner's Guide to Aasimar

Beginner's Guide to Aasimar

A long time ago, the world of Toril was in trouble. The ravages of the spellplague took a catastrophic toll upon the population, making it difficult for the economy to function. A particularly-enterprising group of wizards sought to solve the problem by stealing people from other planes to use as slaves. These slaves cried out for deliverance, and their prayers were eventually delivered to the gods of their home plane. 

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Kenku Mimicry: A Word Puzzle

Kenku Mimicry: A Word Puzzle

A kenku cannot express themselves verbally without having the appropriate phrase said in their presence before, and must repeat that phrase instead of voicing their own. This prospect can be very intimidating to many players, and may cause them to avoid the 5e kenku D&D race entirely... but don't worry! There are options...

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