MMG 2022 Reroll

MMG 2022 Reroll

MMG 2022 Reroll

2022 has been a BIG year for us here at Misty Mountain Gaming! During the holidays when we’re all taking time to celebrate, let’s look back at some of the things that made this year one to remember!

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Streamed Campaign

Our Twitch Channel and streaming community has grown SO MUCH this year! We’ve hosted several different Dungeon Masters and players telling all manner of stories! The highlight of these is certainly Rob Thompson’s (@happynerdphoto) first ever D&D campaign! His first D&D session ever was live on our channel, and he finished what he started 29 sessions later! Many Dungeon Masters go years without finishing a campaign due to the vagaries of life, but Rob persevered and told a wonderful story featuring fae creatures, dragons, talking magic items, and hags!

The entire series is viewable on our Youtube channel, along with other D&D streams put on by our community! It was a wonderful time, and one you should definitely check out if you haven’t already! Click the links to view our channels, or click the thumbnail above to be taken to the campaign playlist!

Shard-Edge Resin Dice Set Collection

The most recent addition to our website is also one of our largest this year! Dozens of spell-themed resin D&D dice dropped on our website just earlier this month! Each set is slightly oversized, making them literally rise above other dice and stand out from the pack. Each die has been meticulously crafted to have honed, sharp edges rather than cheap rounded ones, giving them a crisp, professional feel. With styles inspired by Hellish Rebuke, Shatter, Crown of Madness, and Eldritch Blast (to name a few), these are staggeringly gorgeous sets we hope you’re as excited to own as we are to sell! Click the thumbnail above to browse the selection!

Fangs of Winter Dice Sets

Designed by variety streamer BanjoBravo, these beautiful stone dice sets are the pride of my personal collection. The striking jaws, claws, and mountains on the faces of the dice in this collection make them stand out in any dice hoard! These dice, crafted on semi-precious stones like Blue Tiger’s Eye and Obsidian, were inspired by “Snow,” one of his most fondly remembered characters. Glass dice more your thing? This design was also etched into nigh-transparent blue glass, which catches the light elegantly! Click the image to see all the options!

Remember, we are the ONLY DICE COMPANY IN THE WORLD to offer a LIFETIME WARRANTY on ALL OUR DICE! We back our fine products with a guarantee that if they are damaged, we’ll replace them! Details for our warranty can be found HERE.

Mystery Bags

Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Or a great bargain? This year, we’ve launched a new product that’ll provide both!

With tiered mystery bags, we’ve tried to bring that “booster pack” and “unboxing” experience to our D&D fans! Each containing several sets of dice at a fraction of the cost they could be bought for individually, these bags also contain bonus items not available anywhere else in our store, making them highly coveted! With different bags containing different values, there is a gift bag of goodies for everyone!

The incredible “Bahamut” mystery bag which contains hundreds of bollards of D&D goodness in an all-leather messenger bag wowed shoppers at shows and online this year, and is our personal favorite!

Our Own Podcast!

MMG has partnered with the new D&D Podcast: Bardic Twinspiration! Twin brothers Rob (@thedndwannabe) and Steven discuss all things Dungeons & Dragons: how to play and run the game better, highlighting noteworthy spells and items, and dissecting new playtest content and speculate on the future of the hobby as a whole!

Check out this Top-Performing Episode where they discuss ways to improve combat in your D&D game!

Show Lineup

This has been Misty Mountain Gaming’s most ambitious year in terms of our presence at Comic/Gaming/Anime/Sci-Fi Conventions around North America and internationally! If you attend these events, odds are you’ve seen us at your local comic con! Offering items from our online store as well as exclusive offerings for our regular shoppers, we put a lot of working into our show presence this year. You and other supporters turned out in a big way at these venues, encouraging us to continue to grow in the convention scene! We hope to see familiar faces this year, so come back to see us!

"Wrap Up!"

Get it? It's a Christmas pun!

This past year has been an incredible journey for Misty Mountain Gaming, and the adventure isn’t over! We hope to surprise and delight our fans with even more peerless products and amazing content in 2023! To stay up to date on everything MMG, scroll to the bottom of this page and sign up to receive our weekly newsletter, or click HERE to follow us on our socials!

Love you all, and thanks for a wonderful year!

Rob Franklin (@thedndwannabe) has been a Dungeon Master for many years, and has a deep passion for roleplaying games. He runs the MistyMountainStreaming channel on Twitch, our Misty Mountain Gaming YouTube channel, and is cohost of the Bardic Twinspiration D&D podcast. He also enjoys bourbon, From Software games, and his dog Bigby.